Monopoly in Lights

Enriching the Electric Company

Once More, With Feeling

Noticed as I was looking at the photos of the framework that at least a couple of the color bar dividers were crooked. Boo hoo. Tried to tweak them a little and found I could safely remove the pieces to try to reglue them. I decided to take the opportunity to try to even out the spacing of the spaces a little as well. Several hours of work later and I think things are a little bit better spaced, a bit less crooked, and a bit flatter. I hate spending the time doing rework, but I also want to do this right, so I guess I should be glad to spend the time fixing mistakes now rather than looking at it after I’m done and thinking “Gee, I wish this was a little better…”

June 9, 2012 - Posted by | Construction

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