A Waity Conversation
Well, waiting on the PCBs to come in. Should be in by the time I get back from a trip over the next several days, so hopefully I can try playing with some things. I’ve also ordered up a few more components in an audacious plan I’ve come up with. After looking into the wireless stuff more, I think that’s the way I want to go, so I now have some tiny transmitters and receivers, along with another microcontroller board. I ended up getting a Netduino Plus for this half of the project since it already has an SD card slot built in. I got a cheap SD card shield for use otherwise, but I don’t want to add too many external components to the system, as that uses up valuable I/O pins. I’m optimistic that this will work out pretty well, but I’m also back into an area that I haven’t planned out quite as well as the previous bit. I may need to spend some time sitting down again and planning things out a little more firmly.
Bah, planning. Who needs that anyway?
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