By the Power of Grayskull
Not a whole lot of progress recently, as it’s difficult to find time to work on the project with other various life things going on, but a little more forward movement today. I knew from reading up that it was likely the Netduino wouldn’t be able to power all the LED driver chips by itself; the LEDs would end up drawing more current than the Netduino is designed to supply. So, I ended up getting some voltage regulation chips. Spent a little time today building up a PCB to hold those chips, soldered it together, and was pleasantly surprised when I was able to sub that into my current setup and run the timing/LED driver PCB on power from that board rather than from the Netduino. No reason it shouldn’t have worked, but I’m trained to expect things not to behave as I want on the first try. It’s nice to be surprised once in a while.
Now I just have to wait to see how it turns out this was actually a failure, when something bites me down the road.
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